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Refund Policy

Prior to Admission, the Billing Department and/or the Admissions department shall prepare the Good Faith Estimate (GFE) outlining the amount and timing of all funds due by the patient to Landmark. The GFE shall reflect any prompt pay discounts or financial aid approved for the admission. For self-pay patients, refunds will be issued at the “rack rate” established by the facility fee schedule. Any discounts given, including prompt-pay discounts, shall be voided by virtue of the patient leaving treatment earlier than anticipated. For patients using commercial health insurance policies, Landmark shall wait for the insurance carrier to adjudicate all claims in order to calculate patient’s responsibility. The Billing Department shall then compare the patient’s responsibility, as per the explanation of benefits (EOB), to the amount collected to date by Landmark. If the Billing Department determines that the patient is owed a refund, Landmark shall issue the refund to the patient’s original payment method within 30 calendar days of the issuance of the final EOB.