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Alumni Programs

Comprehensive Alumni Programs at Praxis of Columbus by Landmark Recovery

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After concluding your drug and alcohol addiction treatment at Praxis of Columbus by Landmark Recovery, your journey doesn’t end. Our dedication to your lasting recovery continues with an extensive alumni program at no extra charge. Numerous studies affirm that a strong support network drastically improves the chances of long-term recovery. Our alumni programs foster connections with fellow rehab graduates, facilitating the sharing of strategies to handle cravings and maintain focus on recovery. Your success is our primary goal.

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in Columbus

Upon completing your drug and alcohol rehab program, we invite you to our exclusive alumni events. Whether it’s bowling nights, board game evenings, or trips to Columbus attractions, these events promote community and recovery. We cover all expenses, ensuring our graduates have a chance to learn from addiction specialists and partake in exercises designed to strengthen their resistance to relapse.

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Our Alumni Coordinators prioritize your well-being, reaching out at scheduled intervals post-treatment to ensure your recovery remains on track. Scheduled touch points include:

  • 48 hours
  • 30 days
  • 60 days
  • 90 days
  • 6 months
  • 1 year

Alumni Program Meetings

Virtual meetings held weekly provide an open forum for sharing your recovery journey. From celebrating victories to discussing challenges and setting goals, these gatherings also introduce you to community ties and additional Columbus drug rehab and alcohol rehab support groups.

Support for Families

Families play an essential role in the recovery journey. We offer family support groups led by experienced peer support specialists. Topics of discussion include setting boundaries, avoiding enabling behaviors, mutual problem-solving, and fostering understanding. Additionally, Landmark hosts family events like picnics and dinners, further strengthening community ties.

24/7 Crisis Support

As a Praxis of Columbus alumnus, you gain unlimited access to our support network. Whether you’re in need of resources, considering readmission to our residential treatment center, or simply need someone to talk to, our team is available anytime.

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How soon can I get care?

We’re here 24/7 to help you get the care you need to live the life you want. Talk to our recovery specialists and start treatment today.

Alumni Inpatient Group for Relapse

Data indicates that a significant number of individuals might face relapse after completing a residential treatment program. We offer specialized alumni inpatient rehab groups for those who experience this setback, focusing on understanding the relapse and fine-tuning recovery techniques.

A robust support system’s power is invaluable. Such networks offer insights, accountability, and empathy, ensuring you not only avoid but also effectively manage relapse triggers.

Our alumni often share their recovery stories, acting as beacons of hope. Through public speaking engagements in Columbus, videos, or group discussions, we help our alumni shape their recovery narratives, inspiring others towards their own recovery journeys.