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  • Available 24/7
  • No Pressure to Commit
  • Multiple Financial Options Available
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Caring For An Addict

Comprehensive Alumni Support at Praxis of Columbus
by Landmark Recovery

Supporting a loved one grappling with addiction in Columbus can be a profound challenge. It often leads to feelings of anxiety, stress, isolation, embarrassment, and even depression. There’s also the potential for escalating conflict within families.

Praxis of Columbus by Landmark Recovery recognizes these challenges and is dedicated to aiding residents of Columbus, especially those on Medicaid.

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Establishing Boundaries to Support Your Loved One

Supporting someone with a Substance Use Disorder (SUD) demands immense dedication. The caregiver role can be consuming, possibly leading to resentment or codependency.

If your loved one in Columbus decides to seek treatment, you might find yourself shouldering additional responsibilities. These might include managing finances, driving them to sessions, or even looking after their children or pets.

Beware of codependency, a situation where you become excessively reliant on your loved one and neglect your own well-being. Establish firm boundaries to prevent this. Always prioritize your needs and consider therapy or support groups to maintain a healthy balance.

24/7 Recovery Specialist at Praxis of Columbus by Landmark Recovery

Help your loved one begin their recovery journey. Our recovery specialists are available round-the-clock. Speak with them and jumpstart your loved one’s recovery journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about how Praxis of Columbus by Landmark Recovery can assist you and your loved ones

What is the Duration of Rehab?

There’s no one-size-fits-all duration for alcohol and drug rehab. Typically, a 20 – 30 day residential program can help patients regain functionality. We also offer transitional support post-treatment, emphasizing self-awareness, clarity, honesty, responsibility, and accountability.

Can I Visit During Treatment?

Absolutely. We encourage family interactions during treatment, be it through counseling sessions, phone calls, or visits. Family involvement, even in strained relationships, is crucial to the recovery process.

What is the Cost of Treatment?

Treatment costs vary depending on insurance coverage. We do offer payment plans and strive to make addiction treatment affordable for everyone.

Which Insurance is Accepted?

Most major insurance providers are accepted. Specifically, our Praxis of Columbus location accepts Medicaid. For insurance details, call 614-591-8822.

Is Financial Assistance Available?

Yes, we’ve collaborated with Prosper Healthcare Lending for loans. We also provide scholarships for eligible individuals. Discuss financial assistance options with us at 614-591-8822.