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Drug Rehab

Praxis by Landmark Recovery: Premier Drug Rehab in Columbus, Ohio

Conquer your Drug dddiction with the help of our accredited treatment center

In the vibrant heart of Ohio, Columbus stands proud with its rich history and diverse culture. Yet, even in this thriving metropolis, challenges of alcohol and drug addiction persist. Enter Praxis of Columbus by Landmark Recovery, a beacon for those yearning for a fresh start, providing unparalleled drug and alcohol addiction treatment in Columbus.

Understanding Drug Addiction in Columbus

Columbus has seen a surge in opioid, methamphetamine, cocaine, and alcohol abuse. Families affected are constantly in search of compassionate and effective care. At Praxis of Columbus, our in-depth understanding of addiction drives us to provide a holistic approach to addiction treatment in Columbus.


Woman contemplating drug rehab options surrounded by friends

Addiction rehab support group. Praxis of Columbus by Landmark Recovery.

Why is Praxis of Columbus by Landmark Recovery Your Best Choice for Drug Rehab?

  • Comprehensive Care: Our dedicated team offers a diverse range of drug and alcohol rehab programs, ensuring that each individual gets treatment tailored to their needs.
  • Evidence-Based Treatment: At our Columbus drug rehab center, we combine traditional and modern therapies, all based on proven techniques, to enhance the success rates of drug addiction treatment.
  • Affordability: As a Medicaid-approved alcohol and drug treatment center, we make sure that quality care is available to everyone, irrespective of their financial circumstances.
  • Community Focus: Rooted in the Columbus community, our aim is to nurture a supportive network for all our patients, ensuring they feel at home.
  • Unwavering Support: Understanding that recovery is an ongoing process, our alumni programs and post-recovery resources are there to provide assistance every step of the way.

Our Comprehensive Drug Rehab Services

  • Detoxification: Whether it’s drug detox or alcohol detox, our medically guided process guarantees safe substance withdrawal, minimizing discomfort.
  • Residential Treatment: Our state-of-the-art residential treatment center ensures patients focus solely on recovery, backed by professional care and a supportive community.
  • Outpatient Programs: Offering both outpatient drug rehab and general outpatient rehab, we provide flexible options without compromising on the quality of care.
  • Therapeutic Services: We offer individual and group therapy sessions to delve deep into the root causes of addiction, arming patients with the necessary tools for rebuilding their lives.
  • Family Support: Recognizing that addiction affects everyone, our family programs aim to mend and fortify familial relationships.

Our Dedication to Columbus

Beyond being a premier Columbus rehab center, we are integral members of the Columbus community. Our dedication extends beyond just treatment. By participating in community events, educational endeavors, and forging partnerships with local entities, we strive to tackle substance abuse at its core.

Embark on Your Recovery Path Today

Facing drug or alcohol addiction? Remember, support is always within reach. At Praxis of Columbus by Landmark Recovery, we affirm the resilience of the human spirit. Together, we can challenge and conquer addiction, ushering in a brighter, substance-free future.

Choose recovery. Choose Praxis of Columbus by Landmark Recovery.